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In progress:

V. Pisano*, K. Franciotti, H. Kramer, N. Putnam, J. Halpern, S. Holden. “The association of psychedelic use and cocaine use disorder among illicit users in the United States” (submitted).


V. Pisano, K. Franciotti, J. Halpern*. “Response to low dose 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine assisted psychotherapy for end of life associated anxiety: a case study” (in progress).


D. Mou*, V. Pisano, D. Schoenfeld, J. Pooley, M Flynn, M. Freeman, M. Fava, D. Mischoulon. “Novel clinical trial methodologies decrease rates of placebo response and subject withdrawal: a meta-analysis” (in progress).


G. Kinrys, A. Gold, V. Pisano, M. Freeman, G. Papakostas, D. Mischoulon, A. Nierenberg, M. Fava. “Tachyphylaxis in Major Depressive Disorder: A Review of the Current State of Research” (submitted).



V. Pisano*, N. Putnam, H. Kramer, K. Franciotti, J. Halpern, S. Holden. “The association of psychedelic use and opioid use disorder among illicit users in the United States” Journal of Psychopharmacology 31: 606-613 (2017).


V. Corey*, V.  Pisano, J. Halpern. "Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine on Patient Utterances in a Psychotherapeutic Setting." Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 204: 519-23 (2016).



Editorials / Commentaries:

I.G. Arcibal, V. Pisano, A. Fathi, F. Dehghani, Y. Hwang, M.R. Dokmeci, A. Khademhosseini. “Research Highlights.” Lab on a Chip 14: 622-625 (2014). doi: 10.1039/C3LC90135A.


A. Paul, V. Pisano, A. Polini, M.R. Dokmeci, A. Khademhosseini. “Research Highlights.” Lab on a Chip 13: 3989-3992 (2013). doi: 10.1039/C3LC90091F.



Conference Proceedings / Abstracts:

* denotes presenting author

V. Pisano, N. Putnam, H. Kramer, K. Franciotti*, J. Halpern, S. Holden. The Association of Psychedelic Use and Opioid Use Severity in Illicit Users in the United States. Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention. Boston, MA; (May 2017).


V. Pisano, N. Putnam, H. Kramer, K. Franciotti, J. Halpern, S. Holden*. The Association of Psychedelic Use and Opioid Use Severity in Illicit Users in the United States. 25th Harm Reduction International Conference. Montreal, Canada; (May 2017).

V. Pisano, N. Putnam, H. Kramer, K. Franciotti, J. Halpern, S. Holden*. The Association of Psychedelic Use and Opioid Use Severity Among Illicit Users in the United States. Psychedelic Science. Oakland, CA; (April 2017).



V. Pisano, N. Putnam*, H. Kramer, K. Franciotti, J. Halpern, S. Holden. Psychedelic use is associated with decreased opioid use among illicit users in the United States. National Harm Reduction Conference. San Diego, CA; (November 2016).


V. Pisano*, N. Putnam, H. Kramer, K. Franciotti, J. Halpern, S. Holden. Psychedelic use is associated with decreased opioid use among illicit users in the United States. Chemistry and Pharmacology of Drugs of Abuse Conference. Boston, MA; (June 2016).


M. Flynn*, D. Mischoulon, J. Witte, M. Martinson, V. Pisano, M. Freeman, M. Hillefors, G. Papakostas, M. Fava. Validation of Patients for a CNS Trial of Major Depressive Disorder. American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology Annual Meeting. Scottsdale, AZ; (May 2016).



V. Pisano*, W. DuComb, D. Shah, V. Godoy, R. Rosengaus. Ontogenic expression of antifungal β -1,3 glucanases in Zootermopsis angusticollis. NEU Research, Innovation and Scholarship Expo. Boston, MA; (April 2011).

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